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User Comments:
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-13 21:01:41 » #505497
*is Anon6*Also, how cool would it be to have some of these as Alts? Maybe not Paladin Cecil or WoL's, but it'd definitely be awesome to see Garland, Tidus and Jecht with the same looks as their weapons.
Hell, in the cases of, say, Gabranth, he could have an outfit with elements of his weapon's look, rather than the exact look!
6 Points Flag
*is Anon6*Also, how cool would it be to have some of these as Alts? Maybe not Paladin Cecil or WoL's, but it'd definitely be awesome to see Garland, Tidus and Jecht with the same looks as their weapons.
Hell, in the cases of, say, Gabranth, he could have an outfit with elements of his weapon's look, rather than the exact look!
6 Points Flag
Flash_Gordon commented at 2011-01-16 17:00:08 » #583845
*Hugs anon6* An upvote for NOT making a reference! X3
7 Points Flag
*Hugs anon6* An upvote for NOT making a reference! X3
7 Points Flag
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