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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-14 23:58:22 » #506944

I wanna go on record thats called a teddy bikini not a sling bikini. (Slings so not go around the sides, period)

And if you wanna dice hairs about the top its called a criss-cross halter style.

8 Points Flag
The_Local_Otaku commented at 2010-11-29 14:22:32 » #525076

if you want to go on record, first of all, make a freaking account; secondly there's not enough of the teddy bikini pics here to even make a category for them. That being said they'll have to stay in sling bikini's category

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-07 19:02:37 » #535567

@The_Local_Otaku Are you kidding? How much of an idiot are you? I count 12 teddy bikini on page one of sling bikini tag right now (One actually has both). Not to mention one Cross bikini, and one that is not a cross, sling, or teddy.

I'd unfuck your stupidity, but I know out of your ignorant stupidity would just change it back. So keep talking out your ass.

4 Points Flag
Anti_Gendou commented at 2011-02-11 06:45:37 » #616183

I'm moderately into a separate tag.

It would get more support on the forums, but I am not enthusiastic enough to take it there myself. At least not yet.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-24 13:27:15 » #823188

who cares about enough images in the category?
if somehow appear a lot of images using these kind of bikinis, they will already have tags for them.

The greatness of gelbooru comes from the tags.

3 Points Flag