
Notice: We are now selling NEW Gelbooru Merch~! Domestic shipping is free on all orders! Do you have an artist tag on Gelbooru? Let us know so we can properly credit you!

Ticket Information - ID: #1198

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0001198Feature RequestHighN/A05/15/22 01:22PM
Assigned to:lozertuser
View StatusPublic
Target Version:
Summary:'Approval Pending' tag type
Description:The vast majority of junk tags that users add are general tags - subjective tags, different names for things we already have tags for, composite tags, etc. However, our general policy is that new general tags should be discussed and approved before being used. Despite this, users who create new general tags don't get any sort of feedback that they may have done something wrong until a member of staff finds it and sends them a mod notice about that.

Instead, I propose that we add a new tag type: Pending Approval. This would replace General as the default tag type. Any new tags added would default to this type.

Then, since general tags should be approved before user, the General type should only be able to be applied by staff, similar to how only staff can set a tag's type as Deprecated. Similarly, the Metadata tag type is almost always misused by users, so it too should only be able to be set by staff.

However, new Artist, Character, and Copyright tags DON'T require approval, so users should still be able to set the tag's type to these. It's very uncommon for both an incorrect tag type of this type to be made AND for the user to actually set its type, so we can assume someone setting these types isn't doing something wrong.

In summary,
The default tag type for new tags should be Approval Pending.
Only staff should be able to change a tag's type to General, Metadata, or Deprecated.
All users should still be able to change a tag's type to Artist, Character, or Copyright.

This would give users immediate feedback that the new tag they've made might not be correct. It also makes it MUCH easier for staff to find and deal with them in the wild, since it means that new junk tags are no longer a blue tag in a sea of blue tags.
Additional Info:This should be doable with existing code. Add the new type, then apply the code that currently limits Deprecated to staff-only to General and Metadata.

I will also be submitting another ticket that expands on this idea to make it even more useful.