Ticket Information - ID: #1323
ID: | Category: | Severity | Reproducibility | Date Submitted | Updated By: |
0001323 | Bug Reporting | normal | always | 03/25/24 10:10AM | Jerl |
Summary: | Danbooru bot messing up source url (Pixiv) |
Description: | The danbooru bot is re-uploading all images with a source back to Pixiv using the img-url instead of the gallery-url. They're all fine on danbooru itself. For example: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9810984 It links to: https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2024/03/25/22/44/31/117250544_p0.png (Which usually leads to a 403) Should link to: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117250544 |
Additional Info: |
Jerl replied at 2024-03-25 15:58:59 |
This change was intentional. While what Danbooru displays on post pages is the gallery link, what's reported by their API is the direct image link that was used to import the image, so that's what we get when we import posts from Danbooru. We also had a similar function that would convert the direct image link to a gallery link on post pages, but it ran into an issue and has been disabled. If the issue can be resolved, it will be re-enabled, but in the meantime you can click the Similar link at the bottom of the sidebar to pull it up on SauceNAO to find the Pixiv link. |