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Ticket Information - ID: #328

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000328Feature RequestLowN/A01/03/10 05:55AMDolljoints
Assigned to:lozertuser
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.1.11
Summary:Editing comments after posted
Description:Giving a user from the same ip or usename the ability to edit or delete there own commants after they posted it at a image.
Additional Info:
lozertuser replied at 2010-01-06 13:10:37
20 minute period would be made to where they can edit their comment.

slayerduck replied at 2010-01-07 03:19:27
That works for me

Dolljoints replied at 2011-10-18 13:48:45
Let anon users set an edit password, like on chans. Then there isn't a risk of someone else getting the same IP and editing their posts, and they can edit from a different IP if need be.