
Notice: We are now selling NEW Gelbooru Merch~! Domestic shipping is free on all orders! Do you have an artist tag on Gelbooru? Let us know so we can properly credit you!

Ticket Information - ID: #58

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000058Feature RequestnormalN/A03/17/09 01:07AM
Assigned to:lozertuser
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Moderation Queue for Anonymous posts
Description:Would like to have a mod queue for posts made by anonymous. Users who are logged in do not have their posts listed in here unless we set their account to be forced into the queue.
Additional Info:Problem users would be noticed sooner while uploading, and we can better manage Anonymous uploads, which would increase our image count. Yesterday we got 150 posts from anon. This was after the moderation of about ~80