Now Viewing: hare_hare_yukaiTag type: Copyright Tag refers to images referencing the iconic ED animation to the first season of Suzumiya_Haruhi_no_Yuuutsu. The tag is named after the song performed by Hirano_Aya, Chihara_Minori, and Gotou_Yuuko. The dance was animated by Yamamoto_Yutaka and is mainly performed by Haruhi, Mikuru, and Yuki though Kyon and Itsuki later get involved with Kyon looking noticeably bored whereas everyone else is enthusiastic or in Yuki's case, as enthusiastic as someone with an almost permanent poker face can be. The original ED featured a condensed version of the dance and cut between the dance and imagery of the SOS Brigade's various antics. The DVDs eventually included an extended version of the full dance. The dance has become so well known that it is often performed in real life and recreated elsewhere. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 02/11/13 9:19 PM by jojosstand This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |