Now Viewing: spiked_hairTag type: General A term used to describe a variety of hairstyles in which the hair is formed into spikes. This hairstyle is largely seen on male characters from Shounen Manga and Anime, though it is sometimes seen on females as well. It is a youthful hairstyle, messy and wild which matches personality and makes a character stand out. The artist Toriyama_Akira, includes at least one spiked haired character when he does character designs. Particularly in Dragon_Ball_Z, where by the end of the series every protagonist who's even remotely relevant has some form of this hairstyle. Notable characters: * Cloud_Strife (from Final_Fantasy_VII) * Ryouko_(Tenchi_Muyou!) (from Tenchi_Muyou!) * Son_Goku (from Dragon_Ball) * Uzumaki_Naruto (from Naruto) See Also Tag_Group:Hair_Styles Other Wiki Information Last updated: 01/20/14 9:20 PM by jedi1357 This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |