Now Viewing: endless_eightTag type: General Tag refers to images referencing this story arc from Suzumiya_Haruhi_no_Yuuutsu. The arc appeared in the fifth Suzumiya Haruhi novel Suzumiya Haruhi no Bousou and was adapted in the second season of the Suzumiya Haruhi anime. What starts as a simple two weeks of summer fun with the SOS Brigade turns into something of a living hell as the SOS Brigade ends up being stuck in a seemingly infinite time loop over a summer week because Haruhi has subconsciously trapped everyone in the loop due to her reluctance to let summer end. Kyon, upon realizing what's going on, tries to think of a way to break the loop. The anime adaptation of the arc was highly controversial. It infamously extended the originally short story arc into eight episodes resulting in eight episodes of roughly the same events albeit with different animation. This made many viewers feel that the arc was living up to its title. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 02/01/14 5:15 AM by jojosstand This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |