Now Viewing: t-800Tag type: Character Tag refers to the cyborg played by Arnold_Schwarzenegger, the main poster character of the Terminator franchise and one of Schwarzenegger's most iconic roles. He is also the character that originated Arnold's catch phrase, "I'll be back." He is a cyborg that looks like a tall muscular man with short hair. Underneath his skin is a robotic exoskeleton with glowing red eyes. He often wears sunglasses and leather jackets. Both T-800s arrive in contemporary Los Angeles naked and end up taking their clothes from thugs who make the mistake of picking a fight with them so both T-800s end up dressing in a manner that makes them look like a tough and imposing outlaw. In the first film, he steals a punk's outfit. The second film has him steal a biker's outfit. He is designed by Skynet to be a ruthlessly efficient assassin who can blend in with humans and take out his targets. He appears to be a regular human, but he has a notably stiff manner of speech and he lacks facial expressions as well as familiarity with human customs. However, the more he interacts with humans, the more he learns about human communication. As a cyborg, he is superhumanly tough and feels no pain, easily shrugging off injuries that would be fatal for a human. He also has superhuman strength and skill with guns, which are his primary weapons. He tends to be rather aggressive in his tactics, being perfectly willing to start fighting anyone who gets in his way in public with little concern for drawing attention to himself. However, he can use stealthier tactics like perfectly mimicking a person's voice. The second T-800 retains many traits of the original villainous T-800, but he is programmed to protect John Connor. He also becomes more human-like and compassionate thanks to Connor's influence even though he still has difficulty with expressing emotions. Connor also comes to view this second T-800 as the closest thing he's ever had to a father figure and the two of them become very close over the course of their adventure. Although John becomes very close with the T-800, Sarah is distrustful of him because a decade earlier, she was nearly killed by the original T-800 who also took her lover, Kyle Reese's, life. The T-800 also holds the unique distinction of appearing on both American Film Institutes' 100 Years ... 100 Heroes and 100 Years ... 100 Villians List. The T-800 is the main villain in the first Terminator film, but is a hero in the second film. Although the first and second T-800s have the same name and are played by Schwarzenegger, they are technically two different characters as the villainous first one was definitively destroyed by the conclusion of the original film while the second T-800 is a different model that was reprogrammed by humans to protect John Connor. Nevertheless, the two characters' likeness is acknowledged in the second film and affects the sequel's narrative and the T-800 is initially presented as if he is once again the villain before he reveals his true colors during the first T-800/T-1000 fight. Although the character is closely associated with Arnold, he almost didn't get to play the character. Arnold was originally considered for the role of Kyle Reese while Cameron was thinking of casting either the leaner actor Lance Henriksen or football player/actor O.J. Simpson as the T-800. However, Cameron changed his mind when he met Arnold face to face. He also believed that Arnold's thick Austrian accent actually made him a better fit for the role because he felt that his accent had what Cameron described as "a strange synthetic quality, like [Skynet] hadn't gotten the voice thing quite worked out." Lance ended up playing the supporting role of Hal Vukovich instead. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 12/12/14 10:58 PM by jojosstand This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |
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