Now Viewing: team_plasmaTag type: General The antagonist group from pokemon_bw. They preach releasing all Pokemon because of the perceived inequality of Pokemon-trainer relationships. This turns out to be a lie in order to strip everyone but their organization of Pokemon. After the group's initial defeat, they split into two branches for the plot of pokemon_bw2. One that still works for Ghetsis, and another that works alongside N and the reformed sages. The former wear dark masks and berets, whereas the latter use their original Templar uniforms. Characters Ghetsis_(pokemon), the group's leader. Think Cyrus_(Pokemon) but more evil. N_(Pokemon), Ghetsis' son and destined king of Team Plasma. The Seven Sages, holy men of Team Plasma who manage internal bureaucracy and predict the group's future. Team_Plasma_grunt, the group's incompetent lackies. The male version is Brad_(Pokemon), and the female version is Angie_(Pokemon). Colress_(pokemon), Ghetsis' head scientist for Neo-Team Plasma. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 09/03/20 4:48 PM by pugsaremydrugs This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |