Now Viewing: street_fighter_6Tag type: Copyright ストリートファイター6 スト6 StreetFighter6 SF6 Tag refers to images referencing this installment of the Street_Fighter franchise. It is notably the first installment in decades to move the timeline forwards, being set after the previous chronologically last game, Street_Fighter_III:_3rd_Strike. It is directed by Nakayama Takayuki and designed by Hashimoto Yusuke. The game runs on the RE Engine that Capcom has used for their late 2010s-2020s games. This installment emphasizes the Street in Street Fighter, with the game featuring a hub world in Final_Fight's Metro_City and the game taking the brush stroke style animations from previous installments and making them look more like graffiti. The game uses a hip hop/house soundtrack, much like Third Strike did, and gives returning characters new theme songs. This installment introduces a new story mode, distinct from Arcade Mode, called World Tour, that mixes fighting game gameplay with RPG style progression. In World Tour, the player plays as an original customizable protagonist and explores the world of Street Fighter while battling various opponents which include both the playable characters and characters unique to this mode. While Capcom and SNK have done crossovers before, this game is notably the first mainline Street Fighter installment to include characters from SNK games, namely two of the company's biggest icons, Terry Bogard and Shiranui Mai. Introduces: A.K.I_(Street_Fighter) Jamie_(Street_Fighter) J.P._(Street_Fighter) Kimberly_Jackson Lily_(Street_Fighter) Marisa_(Street_Fighter) Mimi_(Street_Fighter) Follows: Street_Fighter_III_(series) Street_Fighter_III Street_Fighter_V Returning characters: Blanka Cammy White Chun-Li Dee_Jay Dhalsim Ed_(Street_Fighter) Edmond_Honda Akuma_(Street_Fighter) Guile Han_Juri Luke_Sullivan Ken_Masters Rashid_(Street_Fighter) Ryu_(Street_Fighter) Zangief Guest Characters: Terry_bogard Shiranui_Mai Memes: cammy_stretch_(meme) Crossover: Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles Fatal_Fury Partly from Other Wiki Information Last updated: 06/07/24 8:12 PM by jojosstand This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |