Now Viewing: fat_monsTag type: General Images containing at least one female character whose mons pubis and labia majora may seem exaggeratedly ¨fat,¨ large, plump, or cushioned compared to rest of their body´s proportions, such ¨fatness¨ is especially noticeable in the case of the labia majora or ¨outer pussy lips,¨ which may seem almost inflated or ¨pumped up.¨ A fat mons may be due to a wide variety of artistic, contextual, and/or indeed scientifically valid anatomical reasons. For example, the fat mons appearance may suggest the recent use of a vaginal pump device, or, on the other hand, it may simply be the result of an artistic license or even of actual artistic observation of similarly appearing real-life examples. Another possibility may be that the character portrayed is an underaged female, as children tend to have "fatter" Labia Majora than adults. See also: bulge (male equivalent) cameltoe cleft_of_venus Other Wiki Information Last updated: 11/16/23 12:44 AM by Cubone44 This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |