Now Viewing: black_lagoonTag type: Copyright Crime action anime/manga created by Hiroe_Rei, and debuted in 2002. It has been adapted into an anime by Madhouse. The series is divided into multiple story arcs with no ongoing plot though there are references to past arcs. It focuses on the various adventures of a group of mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company, which consists of Revy, Rock, Dutch, and Benny. Despite having plenty of male characters, the series is known for having its most powerful characters be female. Its action scenes are heavily influenced by Hong Kong movies (particularly John Woo's), and Hollywood movies. Has no relation to the movie Creature from the Black Lagoon. Cast: Black Lagoon Company: Okajima_Rokuro Revy Dutch Benny Hotel Moscow: Balalaika Boris Meshov Sakharov Fan Triad: Mr._Chang Shenhua Church of Violence: Eda Ricardo Sister_Yolanda Lovelace Household: Roberta Garcia_Fernando_Lovelace Diego_Jose_San_Fernando_Lovelace Fabiola_Iglesias Washimine Clan: Matsuzaki_Ginji Washihime_Yukio Chaka Bandou_Tsugio Yoshida_(Black_Lagoon) Others: Abrego Leigharch Hansel_(Black_Lagoon) Gretel_(Black_Lagoon) Janet_Bhai Rotton_the_Wizard Sawyer_the_Cleaner Claude_Weaver Guy_Russel Verrocchio Maki_(Black_Lagoon) Other Wiki Information Last updated: 02/04/13 4:18 AM by jojosstand This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |