Now Viewing: arm_garterTag type: General An elastic band worn around the arm to allow for adjusting a sleeves length to better fit the wearer or to hold up very long gloves that have a loose fit around the arm. Sleeve garters were used by men during the 19th century when men's ready made shirts came only with extra long sleeves, thus requiring the garter to adjust the sleeve to the appropriate length for the wearer. This kind of garter is still commonly seen in some of the outfits worn by barbershop quartets. For women's gloves, a garter-like object was used to hold up long gloves around the bicep of the arm. These were used for long gloves that had a loose fit around the arm, such as some of the formal wear gloves used during the Napolenoic period. Most images depicting these kinds of garters have them being used only as decoration and are worn like an armband. See Also armband arm ribbon elbow_gloves garters wrist_cuffs Other Wiki Information Last updated: 02/05/12 8:38 AM by ShadowbladeEdge This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |