Now Viewing: alternate_eye_colorTag type: General When a character is drawn with eyes of a different hue from the canonical color. A type of artistic license and should not be considered an error. Examples: Hong_Meiling is often depicted with green eyes instead of the canonical blue eyes. If a character's eye color is inconsistent in the official material (Izayoi_Sakuya has been shown with both red and blue_eyes, Kochiya_Sanae has been shown with both gold and blue eyes, etc.), only apply this tag for colors that do not appear in any official works. Do not confuse this tag with heterochromia, and do not apply this tag if the work is monochrome or colored in a way such that characters only have one color each or share the same eye color, such as post #654846 and post #1090229. See also Tag_group:Artistic_license Other Wiki Information Last updated: 04/27/12 1:04 AM by jedi1357 This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |