Now Viewing: suzumiya_haruhi-chan_no_yuuutsuTag type: Copyright 涼宮ハルヒちゃんの憂鬱 Refers to images referencing this specific Suzumiya_Haruhi_no_Yuuutsu (|The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) spinoff. Unlike the genre-blending main series, Haruhi-chan is a full blown parody of its source and anime/manga in general. The characters are all drawn in a chibi style (though occasionally they'll revert back to their original designs) and they have had their personalities exaggerated or altered for comedic effect. For example, Nagato_Yuki becomes a otaku who wears bunny_headphones and Suzumiya_Haruhi is even more excitable and energetic in this series than she is in the original. The original manga was created by Puyo_(puyotopia) and debuted in 2007. Kyoto_Animation adapted it in 2009, bringing back all of the original voice_actors and released it online. Characters unique to this series: Achakura Kimidori-san Other Wiki Information Last updated: 05/05/22 10:44 AM by surveyork This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |