Now Viewing: tag_group:eyes_tags Tag type: None
This is a list of the many colors and types of eyes there are on Gelbooru.
Do not tag the eye color of a character if that character's eye color is not visible.
Tags with fifty thousand (50,000) or more posts are in bold.
Tags with one hundred thousand (100,000) or more posts are in bold and italic.
Individual colors of the iris
Aqua_eyes Black_eyes, see black_eye below for the injury. Blue_eyes Brown_eyes *Amber_eyes *Light_Brown_eyes Gold_eyes Green_eyes Grey_eyes Hazel_eyes Orange_eyes Pink_eyes Purple_eyes *Lavender_eyes Red_eyes *Maroon_eyes Silver_eyes White_eyes Yellow_eyes
Multiple colors of the iris
Hazel_eyes Heterochromia Multicolored_eyes
Form of the iris
Al_Bhed_eyes, spiral eyes from Final_Fantasy_X Pac-man_eyes, pie-cut eyes Ringed_eyes
Form of the pupils
Constricted_pupils Multiple_pupils Slit_pupils Symbol-shaped_pupils *+_+ → click %2B_%2B *Heart-shaped_pupils *Star-shaped_pupils
Blue_sclera Black_sclera Bloodshot_eyes Green_sclera Grey_sclera Orange_sclera Pink_sclera Red_sclera Yellow_sclera Mismatched_sclera
Around the eyes
Bags_under_eyes Black_eye, bruises around the eye Burning_eyes Glowing_eyes Glowing_eye Mako_eyes, from Final_Fantasy_VII
More appearance
Animal or inhuman eyes
Amphibian_eyes Button_eyes Cephalopod_eyes Compound_eyes Frog_eyes Goat_eyes
Stylistic eyes, for emotion or comedy
Crazy_eyes Empty_eyes Heart_eyes Dashed_eyes Nonowa Solid_circle_eyes o_o, 0_0, |_| Tareme, eyes with a rounded, drooping shape Tsurime, eyes with an upward outer "point" Sanpaku, eyes that show whites above or below the iris
Series specific eyes
Geass, from Code_Geass Sharingan, from Naruto Mangekyou_Sharingan
Eye_reflection Text_in_eyes
Number of eyes
Extra_eyes Missing_eye One-eyed *Cyclops Third_eye Multiple_eyes No_eyes
Emotions and expressions
>_< x3 xd o_o 0_0 3_3 @_@ ^_^ |_| ||_|| =_= +_+ → click %2B_%2B ._. <o><o>
One or two eyes closed
Blinking Eyes_closed *half-closed_eyes Wince Wink ;< ;p
Accessories for the eyes; Eyes covered
Covering_eyes Hair_over_eyes Hair_over_one_eye (/hooe) Bandage_over_one_eye (/booe) Blindfold Hat_over_eyes Eyepatch Eyes_visible_through_hair Glasses
Misc / Actions
Akanbe Blind Drawn_on_eyes Eyeball Eye_beam Eye_contact Eye_poke Eye_pop Looking_afar Looking_at_another Looking_at_viewer Looking_away Looking_down Looking_up Matching_hair/eyes Persona_eyes Shading_eyes Squinting Staring Uneven_eyes Wide-eyed Wince
See also
Eyes Tag_Group:Face_Tags Tag_Groups
Other Wiki Information
Last updated: 06/22/24 1:23 PM by NanamiThis entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit.
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