Now Viewing: nagato_yuki-chan_no_shoushitsuTag type: Copyright A romantic comedy spinoff of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu created by Puyo who also created Haruhi-chan. The manga debuted on July 4, 2009 and is still ongoing. It is inspired by the alternate world seen in Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu. The series was adapted into an anime on April 3, 2015. Unlike the previous anime adaptations of Suzumiya Haruhi, this adaptation is not handled by Kyoto Animation, but by Satelight. It is directed by Wada Junichi and written by Machida Touko with music by Katou Tatsuya. The character designs are handled by Itou_Ikoku. The original Suzumiya Haruhi seiyuu reprise their roles although this time they're playing a different take on their iconic characters. Unlike the original series, Hirano Aya only sings the opening with Minori Chihara, Yuuko Goutou, Matsuoka Yuki, and Kuwatani Natsuko. The ending theme is sung by Yuki's seiyuu Minori Chihara. Unlike the main series, the series removes the science fiction elements of the story and is presented as slice of life romantic comedy starring Nagato Yuki. The tone of this series is more light-hearted than the original and quite a few characters are notably friendlier than their original incarnations. As the series is an alternate universe, the characters' personalities and backstories have been tweaked in order to fit into this new setting. There are still quite a few references to the main series although the story is otherwise stand-alone. Nagato Yuki is a bespectacled bookworm, member of the Literature Club, and gamer girl who is in love with her classmate Kyon. Unfortunately for her, she is too shy to admit her feelings for him even when encouraged by her best friend Asakura Ryouko. Nevertheless, she manages to get Kyon to join the Literature Club and the two of them become friends. Yuki builds her relationship with Kyon with Ryoko's help. Yuki's circle of friends also grows once Suzumiya Haruhi joins the Literature Club along with Koizumi Itsuki. Although Yuki's relationship with Kyon and her social life is improving, Yuki is soon faced with challenges to her romance with Kyon. . . Spun off of: Suzumiya_Haruhi_no_Yuuutsu Suzumiya_Haruhi_no_Shoushitsu Other Wiki Information Last updated: 04/12/15 3:14 AM by jojosstand This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |