Now Viewing: nagae_ikuTag type: Character 永江衣玖 The "Beautiful Scarlet Cloth". Sub-boss of of Touhou's Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody and later a recurring playable character. An oarfish youkai and messenger of the Dragon Palace [1] who came to Gensoukyou to warn its citizens of a massive earthquake, having the ability to read the atmosphere. She uses her shawl as a weapon (most notably as a drill, leading to Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann parodys among others), but is best remembered for her spellcard activation pose, which is similar to that used by John_Travolta in the film Saturday_Night_Fever or the Great_Mazinger_(robot) Thunder Break. Hinted to be a nanny figure to Hinanawi_Tenshi, and does not appreciate lewd jokes concerning her name - "iku" is also a word for "going", with implied sexual connotations. Her oarfish form is tagged as Nagae_Iku_(fish). [1] See also Touhou Wiki: Nagae_Iku_(fish) Hinanawi_Tenshi Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody Touhou oarfish youkai Other Wiki Information Last updated: 06/30/16 11:29 PM by surveyork This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |