Now Viewing: nokotan_entering_a_classroom_(meme)Tag type: General Memes based off of the eponymous scene from Shikanoko_Nokonoko_Koshitantan, which quickly became one of the most iconic scenes in the series. It occurs in the first chapter of the manga and the first episode of the anime. Shikanoko_Noko or Nokotan has just transferred into Koshi_Torako's class and is about to walk in to introduce herself when she gets her deer antlers stuck in the doorway. Instead of moving her body sideways, she decides to simply walk forward and force herself through, completely destroying the doorway to Torako's shock but her classmates' amusement. The scene became a big meme after the release of the anime, which made the sequence even more over the top, showing Noko's walk in slow motion and set to tribal chanting, and showing the debris injuring her classmates who merely shrug off their wounds. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 08/13/24 7:30 PM by jojosstand This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |