Now Viewing: prostitutionTag type: General "The world's oldest profession." Performing or offering to perform sex acts in exchange for money. Inevitably come with kinky dresses in order to attract a customer. In Japan, prostitution is classified broadly into 2 kinds --- one is sex industry, and the other is personal relationship. The "prostitution" tag covers both. The latter is called "援助交際(enjo kosai)" in 1990's. see: And around 2017, new term "パパ活(papa-katsu)" is coined, and take the place of "enjo kosai". See Also: * soapland * compensated_molestation * holding_money Sometimes this tag is used together. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 12/09/24 7:23 AM by loli_mk This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |