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dkp commented at 2014-01-17 11:55:39 » #1472329

Is there a name for this type of picture/pose?

Where two individuals are tied up in each other, everything's soft, nothing else really exists, etc. I guess a certain suggestion of emotional as well as physical intimacy too.

Other pics, not just of guys but girls and so on have it too. Artists to I know I can' t think of or find a good example off the top of my head, and that's actually why I'm asking for a name or tag.

Sorry if I' m dumb

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dkp commented at 2014-01-17 23:03:44 » #1472551

uhh sorry to bring this up again but I found one (~yaoi) that also fits the general idea what I'm getting at:


There seems to be no one term for it (thus no tag) making it hard for people who like it (like me) to find more. Oh well, ç'est la vie.

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