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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-22 11:16:58 » #1346142

Funny thing, I just realized that all of the playable characters who actually have the name (or title) of "Megaman" have been kids, teenagers, and Ashe here, a fully-grown WOMAN. X is just "X" and Zero is just "Zero".

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BaconMinion commented at 2013-06-22 13:15:03 » #1346188

Technically, could Rock and X even be considered a child and teenager, given that they're machines? They can be made to look like a certain age, but that doiesn't make them forever that age, especially if X is supposed to be so much like a human that Light was scared of what he could become and sealed him away.

By Command Mission, the year was 22XX, and X's body was over 200 years old; who is to say the way he thought had matured where his body could not?

By Zero, it was just a title of legend, and by ZX, Rockman/Megaman was a title given to anybody who could use a Biometal.

Plus, he's ZERO, so he can be whatever the fuck he wants.

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