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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-27 20:27:38 » #2143765

This is a parody of that "ero ero" scene in Azumanga Daioh where Nyamo got drunk and told the girls all about sex.

Yui: Sanae-san, got a question! Are adult relationships really ero-ero?
Yumi: Wha-!?
Sanae: Totally ero-ero!!
Yui: Whoa!!
Sanae: For example... in bed a man and a woman will #@$&*@#*&$^*&#$!&*@#$&*@#^$*&#@ etc.
Yui: I can't believe it's so lewd!!
Yuki: The naked truth!!
Yumi: Geez!! What if Nina-chan wakes up and hears this!?
Yui: Oooh...
Yuki: Ha ha~
Yumi: I don't know you!! (Hmph!!)
Yui: Oh, no way...
Nina: Why are everyone's faces all red?

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