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Anonymous commented at 2017-08-12 23:07:26 » #2157639

Oh, she is just precious. I love how he's got his arm around her, bracing her, his other hand grasping her thigh. The way she's put her hand on his, likely taking comfort, a sense of calm, from the touch, is adorable. She just has this sweet, shy expression that begs for more attention, more pleasure, and it's so nice of them to show her how her body is supposed to be used---worshiped. Her faint blush, the bit of drool at her lips, her finger poking at her chin---it's all so adorable, brings a special sort of life to the image. It's just so perfect, I can't get enough.

Now I wanna see how they got her in this position in the first place. I wanna watch them seduce her shy little self into being played with, toyed with like a pretty little plaything;)

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Anonymous commented at 2017-11-23 05:55:54 » #2186303

Nice analysis Anon1. It may not be a concidence that she looks quite a bit like a loli versioni of Manami, the OC this artist usually draws.

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