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Date: Dec 18, 2017User: danbooruRating: ExplicitScore: 71

PostApocalypse commented at 2024-06-02 00:48:18 » #2892557

Found her... Amaretto from Girls and Panzer

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-22 09:04:23 » #2339729

Suddenly realizing how much pleasure this can be!

4 Points Flag


Date: Aug 27, 2022User: danbooruRating: GeneralScore: 60

Lance_Corporal_Dororo commented at 2024-06-02 00:17:21 » #2892553

Osaka: "Saaataaa andagiiiii~" *deep toke of weed*

0 Points Flag
BadNameDontCare commented at 2024-06-01 23:49:58 » #2892546

Osaka would probably become normal on drugs.

1 Points Flag
Chief_Chino commented at 2023-10-24 21:00:34 » #2839354

I can definitely see this being cannon in a world where weed is accessible to them all.

1 Points Flag
hentaispyder commented at 2023-06-07 14:35:04 » #2808793

First of all... of course she would do this. Second, she is out of it enough already i really dont think she needs this anymore then she needs a hole in her head. and last, i want to see her trying to give it to Chiyo next and everyone freak out.

7 Points Flag

Date: Jan 19, 2024User: danbooruRating: GeneralScore: 20

Rayna commented at 2024-06-02 00:14:10 » #2892552

Where is Hololive CN members?

0 Points Flag

Date: Sep 3, 2023User: danbooruRating: GeneralScore: 13

Megton1111 commented at 2024-06-02 00:09:59 » #2892551

Bro, why are they both wearing female clothes??

0 Points Flag



Date: Jan 19, 2016User: Haruki1995Rating: SensitiveScore: 99

GentleXS commented at 2023-03-13 14:36:24 » #2788964

So glad many people elaborated on why 1st anon was so wrong. The show was funny yes, Erotic no doubt (having girls as minors or adults wouldn't really matter here it's an anime, it's 2D) but most importantly it nicely tells a sad story, along with what happens behind our backs in people's private lives. There absolutely has to be some reverse-Pedo kids out there, especially these days when this gen is too smart for their age. And they know to take advantage of it.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-05 22:54:37 » #2288832

when what should be fun becomes absolute and widespread politics...

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-05 22:19:54 » #2288823

serious business, etc, etc, etc.........................................................

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-06-21 09:19:56 » #2251143

Nice fanfiction you've got there fam.

1 Points Flag
IchigoRadiance commented at 2018-06-21 08:51:31 » #2251138

As somebody said above. The series does talk about inconvenient truths. A lot of people think children are completely innocent, but if you've spent any time with them, you will know that they know a lot more than you think when it comes to sex. Kokonoe Rin, like a lot of children learn about sex from peers. Kids get curious, they overhear, and they repeat. Rin learned of sex from kuro. How did Kuro learn about it? Probably from her mother, or from the internet, her mother is fairly rich and she has access to the internet from her phone and such.

But, somebody made it sound like Rin was more precocious than just knowing the terminology, she's not. The story makes it pretty obvious that a lot of her flirting and sexual harassment is going way over her head. At one point when the characters go to Aoki's family home (Aoki, another teacher, Rin, Kuro, and Mimi all went), at night Rin tries to take advantage of a sleeping Aoki, but she backed out shortly afterward when she realized his penis wouldn't fit.

A lot of her behavior can be attributed to her home life, but again, most her her knowledge comes from Kuro, The remaining knowledge comes from waking up one night and seeing Reiji and Aki (her mother) having consensual sex. A lot of children walk in on their parents having sex and while it is awkward to have to explain it in a child friendly way, few would think anything of it. What's more is if you live around or on a farm you will see that kind of stuff from the animals anyway and children are generally fine in such situations.

Rin's behavior is that of a precocious child, not an abused one. So reporting would have done nothing anyway. Later on, Reiji does start to groom Rin, after noticing how much she looked like Aki, but at the beginning of the series, his relationship with Rin was fairly normal.

As the series progresses, Rin does end up falling in love with Aoki. At the beginning her teasing is more or less a joke, but her feelings do become genuine over time, This is another inconvenient truth, children can fall in love with somebody, even an adult, though since they are children they don't fully grasp what being in a relationship is like. They say a child doesn't know what love is, that it will pass over time, which is usually true, but how many adults get divorced now a days, clearly even adults often fail at this. The test of Rin's feelings come in the wait until her 16th birthday.

Near the end of the series, Rin graduates elementary school, and her and Aoki go separate ways, while she goes to middle school, he goes to teach at a different middle school entirely. During this time, she keeps messaging him, and while he does want to see her, he feels afraid that she will be disappointed in him because she idolizes him so much. During middle school and even her first year of high school, she could have gotten a boyfriend, she didn't.

Part of her growth as a character is coming to terms with how she is indeed a child and to be okay with it as much as possible. Even still, she's more mature than a child her age usually is, largely because of her home situation. Children tend to mature quicker in homes without parents, and because her mother died when she was young, her father abandoned her mother when she was pregnant with Rin, and her guardian is largely a child himself.

No joke, the series frequently refers to him as an adult child, because he never got the help he needed to deal with his PTSD. So Rin desiring romance like this and actually looking for a mate that is nice and fairly mature makes sense. Aoki is kind of a dork, but she loves him because he's a good person.

On her 16th birthday, he finally goes to see her again after a visit by Reiji, they try to have sex, and he even breaks her hymen, but they stop because of how painful it is for her. They then start a relationship.

While I think 16 is still too young to be in that kind of relationship, it is still within the age of consent in the majority of the world. Even if you still want to call it pedophilia, you would be wrong, because to be medically diagnosed with pedophilia, you must show a reoccurring attraction to pre-pubescent children. Rin isn't pre-pubescent at the point they have sex (meaning at most he would be an ephebephile). Even when he was falling in love with her, his attraction was only to her.

He also never took advantage of her. His character was quite unrealistic in regards to how good and idealistic he was in those situations. In real life, of course it wouldn't be a good idea to let somebody like that near their kid, if they showed romantic or sexual attraction. But KnJ is fiction.

And it's not like it was well known, the only person who seemed to be suspicious of it was Reiji and well he previously tried to groom Rin and is likely to end up with Mimi who is adamantly in love with him. The irony is that many tend to forget that Mimi is the same age as Rin and for the longest was the most innocent in regards to sexuality. But they look at her big breasts and assume everything is fine, and even hesitate to see a problem when they realize that she's 16.

But Rin, despite growing older, didn't inheret her mother's big breasts, she largely looks the same as when she was a child, so people assume that she is a child, and yeah she pretty much is. But the problem with a 16 year old having sex is far different from a 9-12 year old. 16 is not only the age of consent in most of the world, you can get married at that age in many parts of the world, usually with the consent of the parent or guardian. You aren't likely to be able to marry a 12 year old, no matter where you are, except for maybe some third world country. You generally don't want either having sex. A young child would almost definitely be harmed by the act alone, even if pregnancy wasn't likely or possible (though considering the youngest mother was 5 years old, I suppose anything is possible), while a 16 year old is not particularly ready to take care of a child.

Anyway, what's funny is that like the Anonymous >> #2206841 said, lolicons don't generally go to places they don't like on gelbooru or elsewhere. Gelbooru and other places have several ways to filter out content you don't like. For instance, adding -loli to your search or putting the loli tag in the blacklist will ensure you don't see it. Alternatively, if the thumbnail looks like it features loli, you can just not click it.

That some people see the need to do so is quite suspicious, as if they aren't trying to shame others, but are trying to stay in some closet. You clicked on this, chances are you liked it, if not you would click the x next to your tab or the back button. It takes far less effort. WHat takes more effort is typing in a comment and ensuring that your username isn't showing.

Maybe you indeed don't like this, or maybe you liked it a lot, felt disgusted with yourself, and decided to express it in the comment section, almost as if you were talking to yourself in the mirror. You'd think that this wouldn't be the case, but it's happened quite a bit in the past. Generally, people avoid things they truly don't like. I've met non-lolicons and they generally don't go looking for lolicon material, but a lot of closeted lolicons seem to act like they hate it as an excuse, like a tsundere. What's more is that lolicons know the difference between reality and fantasy and most nonlolicons understand that, but there's always somebody who has trouble distinguishing the difference, which is why they sometimes conflate lolicons with pedophiles. And yet whenever one of these anti-lolicons get caught with CP, it really makes you wonder, maybe they were talking about themselves all along.

23 Points Flag

Date: May 16, 2022User: delayingRating: ExplicitScore: 251

Yanma commented at 2024-06-01 23:01:36 » #2892539

Nobody tell these people that all those dudes on pornhub aren't actually fucking their stepsisters or stepmothers. They might implode once they find out none of this shit is real

2 Points Flag
Aholsa commented at 2024-06-01 21:29:07 » #2892521

Mfs on this comment section are soft, this is hot as hell

1 Points Flag
Golduck commented at 2022-10-15 21:50:49 » #2757573

This gotta be these commenters first time on the internet

31 Points Flag
Swifteroos commented at 2022-07-29 18:12:55 » #2733353

She's technically not human, she's a god so it could be possible, but still weird.

4 Points Flag
AlexPozz commented at 2022-07-29 17:54:44 » #2733347

I agree, dogshit.

5 Points Flag

Date: Apr 5, 2022User: CovArdRating: ExplicitScore: 166

Undercover626 commented at 2024-06-01 22:42:25 » #2892537

So glad this got translated. Thanks to whoever did so.

0 Points Flag
CrimsonDemon13 commented at 2022-07-14 08:31:39 » #2728578

Relatable moment uwu

4 Points Flag