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Anonymous commented at 2015-10-01 17:45:56 » #1823577

Real 23 starting up the cheerleader set again?! Is it my birthday?!?!?!

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-02 22:04:26 » #1824247

God, I wanna touch those abs so bad.

10 Points Flag
OtherAde commented at 2015-10-03 16:23:40 » #1824657

Has anyone else noticed the shift in art style? The heads and faces for Kuro and Shiro seem different from their bodies. Younger, more cartoony... I don't know what it is. But they've lost the maturity and distinctive lines that defined their features... While the bodies just keep getting more and more mature. Compare the artwork and maybe you'll see what I mean. Unless, of course, it really is just me. :(

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-07 07:43:59 » #1826579

23's art has changed gradually over the years but it's still some of the best out there. If you look at their earliest work it's leagues simpler than it is now. There was even a time 23 drew the dark-skinned girl's foot backwards on mistake. I wouldn't call it "cartoony" though, it still has that anime flair about it. Younger, however, seems to be the case. 23 must be lusting for younger women now that they're getting older...

BTW was it ever confirmed their names were Kuro and Shiro or is that just what people call them?

1 Points Flag