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Severontous commented at 2018-06-19 08:44:45 » #2250312

I remember seeing this on his twitter ages ago. Guess he finally decided to upload most of his random twitter only stuff to the pixiv. This is a borrowed character of someone named Dancubus. Her name is a joke of which being that she's extremely lazy and sleeps all of the time, literally useless and if you want to experience anything you have to do all of the work yourself. I think the original artist goes by "pen"? Comming off the top of my head.

Honestly it doesn't matter what shiki draws explicit or not his style has always been my favorite for years especially the way he does eyes, wewlad. I'm a sucker for cool eye designs.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-11 10:30:09 » #2392083

Turtleneck titfucking is so hot

4 Points Flag
HeadphoneSheep commented at 2020-02-07 17:58:19 » #2489471

Darn I wish I could just be relaxing and playing on my Nintendo 3DS and just have some chubby boy with a thick cock start fucking my tits

3 Points Flag