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ElectricSheepFailure commented at 2024-03-24 22:57:38 » #2877289

*dons radiation protection suit* Ready when you are, bitch. This is going to be 'rad'.

4 Points Flag
Galantamine commented at 2024-05-21 19:38:18 » #2890303

Yeah that's not gonna help. If enclosed by both neutron reflectors the plutonium core starts fissioning (this is what happened in the actual "demon core" incidents). You're getting up close and personal with an unshielded nuclear fission reactor. This releases a bunch of gamma and neutron radiation. To shield that you need *both* dense stuff like lead to block the gammas, and material with lots of light nuclei to absorb the neutrons. Good materials: a bunch of water (all those hydrogens in H2O), concrete (contains lots of bound water).

You're probably thinking of the "NBC suits" (nuclear, biological, chemical). These do nothing against gammas or neutrons. They're to keep *dust* and dirt and vapors out of your body?such as, dust containing radioactive alpha and beta emitters, which you don't want to ingest or breathe or absorb into your body, where they can harm you.

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