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LivingCorpse commented at 2025-02-14 18:33:56 » #2961955
Kanna wins.
Flawless victory.
0 Points
Kanna wins.
Flawless victory.
toradrow777 commented at 2017-12-25 21:38:54 » #2196114
That is one dead watermelon, ain't it?
2 Points
That is one dead watermelon, ain't it?
BigStudBen commented at 2025-02-14 18:01:30 » #2961951
~Gotta Catch 'Em All~.. <3 <3 <3
1 Points
~Gotta Catch 'Em All~.. <3 <3 <3
stealthysnake commented at 2023-03-04 19:54:01 » #2787161
Two of the best girls getting ready for some wedgies <3
6 Points
Two of the best girls getting ready for some wedgies <3
psychoticengineer commented at 2025-02-14 17:00:16 » #2961942
Im actually in CS and there are easy ways of protecting against replay attacks like rolling codes. Thats how car keys work.
The biggest flaw is that you could just connect the prongs to their sockets with alligator clips.
A wireless NFC connection with new rolling codes would be a way better alternative.
0 Points
Im actually in CS and there are easy ways of protecting against replay attacks like rolling codes. Thats how car keys work.
The biggest flaw is that you could just connect the prongs to their sockets with alligator clips.
A wireless NFC connection with new rolling codes would be a way better alternative.
Oshitwaddup commented at 2019-06-25 16:12:02 » #2398903
Loophole: If she is hackerman she could just capture the signal the device sends and replay it. Also it says that the connectors are non-standard yet they look just like 1/4in audio jacks used with older equipment.
3 Points
Loophole: If she is hackerman she could just capture the signal the device sends and replay it. Also it says that the connectors are non-standard yet they look just like 1/4in audio jacks used with older equipment.
stackxx commented at 2019-06-25 12:38:28 » #2398847
Correct, her nipple piercings with the vibrators stay on. So if she has a job or social obligations that she needs to make, her best method of somewhat disguising herself would be an oversized mumu with maybe a large scarf around the top to hide the vibrators as well as the contraption attached to her waist.
It's pretty tough in the long term sense. But, hey, lots of orgasms!
2 Points
Correct, her nipple piercings with the vibrators stay on. So if she has a job or social obligations that she needs to make, her best method of somewhat disguising herself would be an oversized mumu with maybe a large scarf around the top to hide the vibrators as well as the contraption attached to her waist.
It's pretty tough in the long term sense. But, hey, lots of orgasms!
selena_nightingale commented at 2019-06-20 03:06:53 » #2396249
Love this image, I'd really like to do something like this myself but unfortunately don't really know how to approach it. Keep up the good work though!
2 Points
Love this image, I'd really like to do something like this myself but unfortunately don't really know how to approach it. Keep up the good work though!