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Anonymous commented at 2010-12-16 08:31:38 » #547056

Before everyone starts hatin' on the cosplayers, I'll get in and say... not bad, not the best, but not bad at all, good work on the trident specifically.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-16 14:32:38 » #547320

white people should not cosplay asian characters it doesnt look good and never turns out right

3 Points Flag
ladylittner commented at 2010-12-16 16:40:03 » #547438

I was pretty impressed, particularly by ichigo. I only post cosplay if I think it was a good effort.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 01:08:33 » #547960

white people shouldnt cosplay? the characters are designed to look white you know

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 01:27:42 » #547976


Japanese people perceive anime characters as looking Japanese.
American people perceive anime characters as looking American.

It's all on how you view the cartoon. In any case, they are drawn to look "cartoony" like Walt disney, not like a particular race. (Usually)


5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-19 04:31:22 » #550598

Props to the Zangetsu..

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-19 04:44:07 » #550605

To the racists: That's kinda funny because, if you have any perception of art and culture at all, esp. Japanese culture, you will notice that, in all but the bubble anime, characters are drawn with a distinct ethnic background.

And Anon3, you're an idiot. I suppose you would also have to say that it would be stupid/wrong/inaccurate for an African person to cosplay as Yoruichi, huh? And FYI, Ichigo and Orihime have natural red hair, in case you didn't know. Asian people are not born with bright red hair.

Byakuya, for example, is clearly drawn to be of Asian origin, as is Rukia. Aizen is clearly drawn to be Caucasian. And Zennosuke is clearly at least half-African. Ichigo is at least half-Caucasian.

It's not that Americans see them as American (what does that even mean anyway?), or that we see them as Japanese, it's that there are too many uneducated and uncultured fuckhead "Internet Philosophers" around here with the curious notion that they have the right to an intelligent opinion.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-07 01:14:20 » #572841

Ives seen way better pictures of that ichigo cosplayer he is really hot

4 Points Flag
The_Doctor commented at 2011-01-20 15:55:32 » #588982

As much as I hate to be a hater, I have to point out the many things that are wrong with this.
1.) That trident is cool and all, but I can tell form here that it's made of cheap, flimsy, plastic crap that would break like a twig if you even tried to hit something with it. And that blue crap hanging off it looks like some kind of wig.
2.) Ichigo's hair is ORANGE, not RED. Don't even try to say "Oh, it's just dark orange." Nobody carries a color scale in their pockets to determine if it's red or orange. To the common onlooker, it's red.
3.) That sword is made of cardboard. Nuff said
4.) Those costumes are 1 layer at best. They look like generic dime store costumes made out of the cheapest and thinest material they could find. There's no texture to them at all, and they're too clean. The white's are too white, and the blacks are too black. Make them out of a thicker material that actually has some texture to it, and get them a little dirty. Maybe even poke some small holes int hem here and there, make em look battle worn.
5.) I would like to know what trident guy is standing on.
Once again, I usually don't do this sort of thing, but I consider this constructive criticism so deal with it. Not the WORST cosplay I've ever seen, but I've never liked american cosplayers anyway, so what do I know :P

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-17 06:54:59 » #623383

what is the dude with the Trident standing on ?

2 Points Flag