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User Comments:

Anonymous commented at 2011-03-10 23:16:41 » #650305

* cough* *cough* um...you're fucked

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-11 02:13:48 » #650483

Giant penis with legs monster FTW

2 Points Flag
ShadowbladeEdge commented at 2011-07-01 19:26:46 » #793571

Artist's commentary:

Title: 海を歩く巨大な異形
事の発端は「海の上に怪獣がいる」という通報からだった。本来なら悪戯で処理されるような内容だが、 最初の報から10秒も経たない内に同じ地区から同様の通報が相次ぎ、2分後には回線はパンク状態になってしまう。
通報件数が多い割りには建物や船舶の被害報告は無く、直接の人的被害も皆無な為に、 これは生き物ではなく虹のような未確認の自然現象なのではないかとも言われている。

Title: A giant anomaly walks in the sea
They called the mysterious event that happened near the shore of the bay the Rokou Incident.
It began with a report: "There's a huge monster on the water!" It was a report that by all rights should have been treated like a prank, but before 10 seconds had passed identical reports began pouring in from across the area, and within two minutes the line had been broken up.
They were all garbled messages from patrols confirming the presence of a "giant thing that looked alive," and 20 minutes had passed since the initial report before headquarters was able to send out an observation plane and secure video footage of the "monster."
It was not only huge, but no one knew what it was, which meant the most mere humans could do was traffic control.
And so, with huge crowds monitoring it, the creature progressed slowly east, and after it had gone 30 kilometers it disappeared, as in a puff of smoke.
Though the number of sightings was high, there had been nearly no damage to buildings or ships, and because there had been no direct damage to humans, people began to wonder if it had been not a living creature but an unidentified natural phenomenon, like a rainbow.
This tourist photograph captured the giant by accident. It is too big even to fit into the frame.

2 Points Flag
MKz commented at 2011-11-09 08:30:11 » #922580

isn't that one of those phantom things from "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" ?

2 Points Flag