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Anonymous commented at 2010-12-19 02:32:54 » #550504

Nooo !! Hinata !! Wait for Naruto ! Sasuke is a bad guy !

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-19 09:26:40 » #550798

A bad guy or a bad gay?

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-19 19:16:43 » #551105

Don't think he'd sink THAT low.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-20 02:14:16 » #551524

worst "pairing" ever... makes no sense... he's a gay cockatoo, and even when women throw themselves at them his only response is "i need to beat my brother" "i need to become stronger" "i need to be a homo" whatever sasuke,

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-21 04:00:32 » #552813

Ahh...typical trolls. Typing away at your keyboards and obsessing over fan pairings. Being all "GAY....LAME...GAY....REALLY GAY...FAGGETY GAYEST GAY OF ALL GAYNESS AND FAGGY GAYNESS GAY!" Lay off the gay thing, guys. Sasuke's not gay. The Naruto Manga barely has any romance going AT ALL. Here and there it has "He likes her" or "She likes him", but nothing major. If you guys had everyone you ever knew and loved slaughtered by the person closest to you, and then had that replayed over and over for three days, you'd be pretty fucking scarred too. Now, I'm about to get voted down by the guys that sit at their keyboards typing out "GAY...GAY...FAGGY GAYEST GAY FAG GAYEST GAY FAGGY FAG GAY..." over and over.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-21 14:12:41 » #553121

You make very valid points anon5, but since sasuke is a fictional character and hasn't really made any gay or straight notions towards any character, that's why there is the above pic and yaoi pics too. Sasuke can be whatever the fuck you want him to be, the sasuke bashers really are annoying but it is better to know that the dude isn't gay nor straight, he's whatever you want him to be until he makes a move on any character in the MANGA. Ide def prefer him to be straight and I can already tell you that he IS most likely straight in the mangaka's mind (since he created him and is entitled to choosing his sex. orientation). This a shonen manga after all, most characters are straight unless they are like Leeron from TTGL or something along those lines, not saying that's always the case though, most times it just simply doesn't matter about romance in fictional stories, as human beings we need sex to fulfill countless desires, but FICTIONAL CHARACTERS do not need it, because well.. they aren't REAL.

SO all in all, this is just a battle of immaturity. The sasuke haters/lovers will grow up and stop acting like clowns over fictional characters and the people who already think realistically will shutup or at least provide valid arguments.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-23 00:51:00 » #555519

Oh! Valid argument! It doesn't matter if Sasuke is or isn't in this picture. Hinata is still hot without her clothes on.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-23 06:05:24 » #555809

Her boobs are too small. SASUKE!!!

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-28 16:48:05 » #561790

"Her boobs are too small. SASUKE!!!"

Ummmm she's laying down, of course her boobs aren't going to look as big as they are when she's standing up.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-17 14:45:45 » #698274

she is boring

2 Points Flag