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Anonymous commented at 2010-12-30 15:37:51 » #564016

I will bet you that Uranus is holding a knife to Saturn's throat, and that is why Saturn looks uncomfortable. Uranus just loves killing things, and Saturn is one of her favorite targets.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-31 02:56:36 » #564582

well Saturn is a lesbian isn't she she is the rough one lol so she has sex with Saturn and Neptune but than Pluto is stronger and than Uranus is the one moaning and submitting after :)

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-31 12:23:51 » #564922

Saturn is very much into guys in the anime since a track and field star she has the hots for is the target of the week in one episode.

Saturn in the manga is never shown to be Hetro, Bi, or Les. As I recall this makes sense because she is for all practical purposes a walking corpse until the end of the Death Busters arc, and then is a 10 year old at oldest, and seen very little.

Keep in mind Chibi-Usa is 100% intro guys, and this is vital to two to three story lines depending on if you are looking at the manga or anime.

Heck there is no evidence Uranus and Neptune aren't Bi in the manga, and they certainly are Bi in the anime since they are shown checking out cute guys at least once. They are also pessimistic masochists who think being emo is cool, and care a lot about keeping up appearances.

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-01 19:25:05 » #566223

That has to be the funniest analysis of Haruka and Michiru I have ever read, and it fits to.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-02 16:12:42 » #567009

Can't we just enjoy the lestease of official artists? That's how they sell all their crappy merchandise and I enjoy it wholeheartedly.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-06 13:13:15 » #1771910

I don't remember Haruka being interested in guys even once.
Michiru otoh is very likely bisexual. Or more specifically, she seems to be heterosexual with sole exception for her one true love, who happens to be a girl.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-28 08:21:18 » #2384974

"Look cute for the camera, kid. Or I'll break your neck!"

2 Points Flag