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Anonymous commented at 2010-12-31 23:21:40 » #565370

As far as "Mecha to identify", these are both X-15s. One was rebuilt after a crash into an upgraded model called the X-15-A2 (the white one at top left), which was modified with a slightly lengthened body, external drop fuel tanks and the distinctive white ablative heat shield for the purpose of achieving maximum speed, while the other two X-15s continued to be used for sub-orbital space flight research. It used the same XLR-99 engine as the other two planes, but the additional fuel allowed it to reach higher speeds. Subsequently the A2 set the atmospheric fixed-wing piloted speed record of Mach 6.7 (4,520 mph) in 1967, which still stands, although it was damaged by aerodynamic friction heating during the flight and did not fly again.

Side trivia: The titular spaceship in Outlaw star is modeled after the X-15-A2 (compare the shape of the bodies and cockpits). Even its official name ("XGP-15-A2") is a reference to the rocket plane.

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Anonymous commented at 2010-12-31 23:34:08 » #565382

Anon, you are just as smart as I am in the ways of airplanes. XD

And I never knew that about the side trivia. I recognized the cockpit shape, I just didn't give it any thought.

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