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Anonymous commented at 2007-09-23 07:18:09 » #564

give it a rest, you two. nobody cares about this argument, just admire the art.

0 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2007-09-23 21:47:59 » #574

But the art makes my eyes bleed. o.o Her face looks like it's getting fuckin' MELTED OFF. But that's what robot laser beams do, I guess. Respect for the hair, though. VEEEEERY mild respect for the shirt. But that's pretty much it.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2007-09-23 22:23:29 » #575

and she almost looks like shes missing her right arm.... almost

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-07-26 13:23:46 » #83029

The art is fine, especially for just concept work. GO DO BETTER! Fuckin retards....
There really is no fine line art. It looks like a sketch colored in....
but it's still fine =3=

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-07-26 13:34:24 » #83033

It doesn't matter if I can, or cannot to better, bad art is bad.

But I'm sure every critic in the world is able to draw better/make better food/etc then the person they're judging AMIRITE?

3 Points Flag