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PumpJack_McGee commented at 2011-01-15 02:59:29 » #582157

Fuck that shit. Art class was NEVER this interesting.

66 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-22 13:10:14 » #591410

Oh my God, that girl has a cell phone out in class!

76 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-27 16:20:34 » #597974

actully art college is axactly like this execpt from the woman jacking them off

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-09 07:19:20 » #613970

Yeah, art in post secondary requires a certain level of maturity to get through. Nudity is pretty common in art, and you deal with a lot of it.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-09 03:11:22 » #647748

Art is fueled by unrequited lust, desire and obsession. But you have to learn to mask your emotions and direct them towards the canvas.

When you wander around an art college doing nudes, everyone will look very professional, even though there's a totally hot model in front of them. But when the teacher tells them to paint the model however they like, you will see some very interesting things come out. One person may paint the model being tortured. Another may paint the model dead and bloodied. Another being drowned. Another will overexagerrate boobs and things in a picasso'esque sort of way. Some will fixate on some feature they're obsessed over, like the legs or face or hair. Art is about expressing your emotions in medium, not self. So in that sense it's mature. But folks who do art, who are really passionate about it, can be quite immature. That's sometimes how the best art is made.

45 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-23 15:55:34 » #665055

They should do this in real school, except they should use students from the class. Also they should start in middle school and only use bad kids. We need to bring the arts back to school after all and kids need punishment, its a win-win.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-31 21:56:29 » #676497

What if the bad kids are sluts anyway?

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-05 21:35:22 » #683169


24 Points Flag
Ukato commented at 2012-09-14 14:14:08 » #1161066

Where do they get models to pose for art classes?

I watched a documentary about an unemployed man in the U.S. who did this for extra cash. He was not even good-looking.

Is it easy as that?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-26 13:45:23 » #1253439

Anon #647748 is 100% correct!! I couldn't have said it better myself :)
I <3 art

0 Points Flag