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Anonymous commented at 2011-03-18 17:05:20 » #659070

Gundam oldfag here, I liked Sisquede for being a Gundam/Zaku hybrid-ish design and this does it too. A lot of people say Chinese Gundam is fugly, I say it's made of epic win and successfully trololol'd shit out of everything.

This should become a real Gundam and become an MSV.

You guys just wait and see, Chinese Gundam's going to pWn Gaddafi, save us from the Japanese Nuclear Meltdown, 2012, destroy Terrorism, solve the economy crisis and make Kim Jong Il die in a way that looks like an accident.

It'll also destroy Scientology. Because it's from China, and they don't tolerate that bullshit.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-21 22:45:48 » #742792


I heard Bandai bought the rights to actually make a model of this thing. I'd so get it.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-26 12:24:39 » #960588

for now, kim jong-il died of a heart attack.

does that count?

0 Points Flag