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Anonymous commented at 2011-04-07 16:09:32 » #685597

Wait, is this an actual game, or just a fake screenshot of demonophobia as the tag suggests? I'm confus

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-25 23:51:20 » #748122

Pretty sure it's just a fake screenshot of Demonophobia.

10 Points Flag
lolilover876 commented at 2011-11-27 07:39:32 » #936727

It's an actual game this is a screenshot from it

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-23 18:30:24 » #984694

It's a joke. If you've played the game and watched the anime, you'll laugh your guts out.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-22 01:54:57 » #1166168

Yeah it's a parody of Demonophobia x Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

By the way Demonophobia is a guro/ryona game with a young 14 year old girl who dies in (if I remember correctly) more than 60 different ways, mostly highly brutal and sometimes even raped and killed. I thought when I downloaded it that it'd be good for the guro/ryona, but the story was so well developed and captivating, especially around the last half.

As for this parody picture, Sayaka is Kunikai Sakuri, a poor 14 year old girl who jokingly summoned a demon for revenge and thus was trapped in hell for eternity, destined to never go back to her parents and friends in the real world yet never able to die, or at least not able to stay dead.

QB is Ritz, an evil ghost-like being who pretended to be nice to try and trick Sakuri. He brings her back to life every time she dies just so she can die again, and she removes those memories, except for at the very end when he gives her all the memories of her dying thousands of times (yes, you will die that many times in the game lol), leading her to break down in misery.

The game is fucking awesome but SO depressing. It turns out Sakuri can never escape hell and is doomed to die, have her memory reset by Ritz, and die again in a futile attempt for this poor, helpless, pathetic, paranoid, soft-spoken, dependent, kind-hearted, scared, weak little 14 year old girl to escape hell while her only friend turns out to be a backstabbing asshole like QB. Plus all her family is dead because every second in hell is a near infinite amount of time in the real world, and she can't even die because she gets revived just to be tortured and killed again, so even if she WAS able to leave hell she wouldn't be able to see anyone she knows ever again.

Oh god this game makes me so sad. ;_______;

Also, for some reason this game TOTALLY screams "Umineko" at me because of backstabbing Ritz trying to trick and "use" Sakuri to escape hell HIMSELF, yet they are destined to fight for eternity because of the "other beings" who can control reality and, and they proclaim that neither Ritz nor Sakuri will ever escape or even stay dead, just so these evil beings can just be entertained (and from the very ending of Umineko, "As the Witch of Miracles, I hereby declare... As the Witch of Certainty, I hereby declare... (then in unison) ...that Beato certainly cannot win, and a miracle certainly will not occur.")

Sorry for the rambling but I just finished the ending of Demonophobia and am pretty emotionally shaken up. ;_;

21 Points Flag