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Anonymous commented at 2012-10-04 21:35:02 » #1174567

its kinda sad how people gets jealious by judging a anime charecter look who has a huge number of girls in his harem and plus touma is about average looking not bad but not to good the rest of the problom why he has alot of girls that likes him is cuase of his right hand cuts the string of fate

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Anonymous commented at 2012-10-04 21:44:50 » #1174578

its been proven that all these girls actually loved touma so yeah the imagine breaker had noting to do with the string of fate at all

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picajump commented at 2012-12-19 18:37:59 » #1227733

I see Misaka #10032, buuuut where's Misaka #10033 - #20000?
Pretty sure Biribiri would "gladly" share if they worked together to knock off the others.

On a side note, since when did Touma start getting Rito's "bump into someone on the street and land on boobs" brand of misfortune?
Touma usually gets the "bump into someone on the street and help them up, setting off a chain reaction ending with the destruction of all space and time unless an Elder God gets its eldritch visage beaten to pulpy bits with bare hands" brand.

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