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Ashera commented at 2011-04-13 00:27:58 » #693010

Here's an edit of Dawn I made to show her how she appeared on the Pokemon Learning League WebSite, where her attire was censored.

However, as an outfit, I like it..although I'm still not sure if Dawn is wearing tights, leggings, or pants under her skirt..since the colouration could indicate any of them..

6 Points Flag
kitsutane commented at 2011-04-13 03:55:02 » #693204

You did good ashera, I'd perposelly forgot but this a good edit but I still like her winter outfit more.

- Kitsu tane

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-13 18:34:07 » #693826

This is what Dawn would have looked like if she were in the English versions of Red and Blue.

Gotta love 90s conservativism.

5 Points Flag
Sempied2 commented at 2011-04-14 00:07:27 » #694126

Their tights.

If you look it shows her knee lines indicating it's skin tight material that would expose such compared to pants, or leggings.

0 Points Flag
Ashera commented at 2011-04-16 14:21:53 » #696982

@Sempied2: Have you ever seen how some people draw very tight 'girl' jeans? Some people still draw knee lines on pants, sometimes even baggy pants. Just google 'tight pants' and you'll see some tight pants that allow you to see the knee as though the person was wearing tights.

Also, I did the edit and I was a bit lazy. I just darken the knees, tinted them blue, and then did a little touch up. I didn't do anything more because I wasn't sure what they were.

I prefer to think of them as 'pants' under a skirt, since I happen to like that particular fashion style.

0 Points Flag
Ashera commented at 2011-04-16 14:25:46 » #696984

@Anon1: I can't really say that would be right. After all, the original design for a female trainer, as shown in a few official pre-release artworks, depicted a brown haired girl in a tight black dress, which was later used as the basis for Blue (Green in US) in Pokemon Special (Adventures in US). So Dawn could have kept her same initial design, although I'm sure some changes would have come from Ken Sugimori's personal tastes and style from back then.

All in all though, I wouldn't have minded this design in-game, since I still think its very cute.

To me, Dawn in this outfit looks more..mature..then in her normal outfit. I absolutely love them both though, as well as her Platinum outfit, since Dawn is always cute.

1 Points Flag
Kuroda commented at 2011-05-26 09:04:36 » #748602

She's definitely way overdressed.

1 Points Flag
Farris59 commented at 2011-08-19 18:18:55 » #852448

They are stockings or tights. The article on Bulbapedia suggest so and her regular costume she is wearing knee highs and this costume just lengthens that and her sleeves.

0 Points Flag