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Anonymous commented at 2011-04-16 18:50:28 » #697229

A recent study says men are turned off by women crying. I find it incredibly arousing, though.

60 Points Flag
ardur commented at 2011-04-16 19:43:27 » #697293

Nice trojan ad bro...

25 Points Flag
The_Anon_Killer commented at 2011-04-16 23:37:43 » #697551

This is why I kill the anon's -_-

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-16 23:45:55 » #697561

I don't like crying at all but I love smeared makeup from rough sex, so this is a net plus. :3

17 Points Flag
Thodin commented at 2011-04-17 15:15:39 » #698316

oh thats gonna hurt

4 Points Flag
riseofatomsk commented at 2011-04-20 15:17:50 » #702047

fucking rapist anon...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-09 23:26:23 » #727360

It's Sad that she is killed. She is gorgeous. Not many ganguro girls look like her... animated otherwise... -.-;

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-18 14:10:24 » #738805

how did she die

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-26 22:48:15 » #749321

a sniper kill her

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-16 02:06:20 » #848449

well ganguro IS a stain on humanity, so i fap to her death

7 Points Flag