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Anonymous commented at 2011-05-29 21:29:29 » #753001

Has it ever occurred to any of you people that SHE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER?
Her suffering exists only in your mind - Cirno is nothing more than an arbitrary and irrelevant construct of your own intellect, and thus her suffering is equally as nonexistent as she is.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-11 14:42:37 » #769065

Unless you click out of sheer morbid curiosity like some.

As for me, guro doesn't arouse me in the slightest, but it also doesn't freak me out in the sense that I want to flame every guro post on here.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-14 14:31:24 » #772642

Has no one noticed that he's stitching her up, not cutting her open? Just pretend he did a surgery to save her life or something.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-15 00:31:10 » #773276

"Has it ever occurred to any of you people that SHE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER?
Her suffering exists only in your mind - Cirno is nothing more than an arbitrary and irrelevant construct of your own intellect, and thus her suffering is equally as nonexistent as she is."

True, very true. It's kinda funny that me (as people) even grow any emotional attachment whatsoever to fictional characters, specifically manga/anime/cartoon characters.

This all reminds me of a psychology class I took in my senior year at high school...

Here's the short version: Many people find things like this hard to watch BECAUSE they are "arbitrary" parts of our intellect, as Anon stated.

Awesome. But why do some find it appalling while others find it attractive or even neutral-cased?

Well, everything that we find appeasing in fictional characters is burned into the same part of our memory that stores the things that we deem "pleasurable" (like rollercoasters, cottoncandy, hot tubs... pr0n...etc...) Certain qualities of certain characters/things either appease to us or displease us (ex. I liked that game because it had a lot of editing options, but I didn't like the graphics very much).

Everything (or just about everything) that we have opinions about are stored in pro-con-style memory (for lack of a better word).

This storage of opinions about what we "approve of" and "disapprove of" works, again, for just about everything... even things that don't even exist (LIKE CIRNO).

So when something that generally isn't preferred (like torture) is applied to the fictional character, real people feel sympathy, sadness, angst, anger, and other such related emotions. Even though you KNOW that the pain you see isn't real, you still BELIEVE its real. (LIKE WHEN YOU SEE A HORROR FILM!!! SOUND FAMILIAR?)

That's just what I remember from the class unit "pleasure."

So if what I learned in psychology is even remotely correct, then I can conclude that people retain a dislike to images such as this one simply because certain conditions portrayed by this image severely conflict with each individual viewer's preferences and opinions.

Now, as stupid as it may sound, this all means that when you begin to "like" a character, that character becomes as real to your memories (to an extent).

My conclusion? People (GENERALLY) dislike this image probably because they either:

A) Disapprove of torture/sadism/masochism/pain (to an extent)

B) Disapprove of the character in question to be subjected to said torture/sadism/masochism/pain and related situations.

C) Are okay with torture/sadism/masochism/pain IF they know that they actions are controlled, and disapprove of the actions if the actions ARE NOT controlled. (Sorry if that sounds confusing)

D) Simply do not fit this image into their "preferences" XD

I'M NO PSYCHOLOGIST but I have my believes, opinions, and preferences. I can also admit it when I'm wrong, but my opinion is strong on images and there's hundreds of things that I like to see (Guro definitely is not one of them) and I know that people would definitely disapprove of a lot of them. I don't really care because I approve. And that's all I care about.

I don't like seeing pain. I don't like this image simply because it features one of my favorite characters in a situation that I find seriously disturbing (TO ME).

I don't care if people like this image and I don't care if they don't! I don't like it and if people have a problem with that, then their priorities are strikingly low.

Since I believe in free speech, I believe this picture should exist without hinder. Power to the artist, WHOEVER YOU MAY BE because whether you like this image or not, THERE ARE ACTUALLY THINGS IN THIS WORLD THAT ARE MUCH, MUCH WORSE THAN AN IMAGE ON A RANDOM IMAGE BOARD!!!

So yeah, it's not really so far-fetched to think that people are fussing out over a fiction character in fictional pain because it relate PERFECTLY to every FICTIONAL horror movie ever made. (Like Saw, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Ring, etc.) Sure the characters that play the character in movies are real, but that also goes for the fictional character because most (if not all) of them have a very human element... VOICE ACTORS/ACTRESSES.

Fake movies and fictional animations are very much alike. Countless amounts of people go into making them to make them successful (except Touhou... because ZUN is a serious one-man army...). Hell, even movies use animation more often than not! Especially nowadays (See "Who Framed Roger Rabbit")!

So there you go! Cirno and the pain she's in here is just as real as the poor bastards that get chopped up in Saw. That's all there is to it. Prove it you say? Read my whole comment. Don't understand? Read it again. Slower. (Also, I'm adding guro to my blacklist. Problem solved. ^^)

5 Points Flag
BluCloud commented at 2011-06-15 00:33:19 » #773282

^ Sorry everyone. That was my comment. I wasn't logged in when I wrote it so it posted "Anonymous."

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-17 06:22:37 » #775977

Isn't it too excessive like gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1179848 ? Huh? Hipocresy. I want my guro Sayaka.

3 Points Flag
MidbossVyers commented at 2011-07-18 12:54:07 » #816308

Don't worry. I'll treat her much more gently tonight, comparatively.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-22 07:11:51 » #983481

I personally have come to this picture before. Therefore, it can't possibly be bad. This is a nice picture and is well drawn. These beautiful things deserve more appreciation.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-01 18:24:03 » #1463536

Anon773276/BluCloud - Hate to be a buzz-kill, but as someone who has taken courses in psychology and propaganda, that long-winded retort doesn't exclude someone like you from being capable of carrying out such acts yourself. In fact, it has been determined that in some cases, such conviction is only meant to hide the fact you DO like this sort of thing. Come on...you took the time to click on this pic and look at it. If I was repulsed by this, I wouldn't have even bother to go past the thumbnail. You should have just stopped there as well IF you were genuinely offended by such a depiction.

On a side note, comparing this with 'Saw' is, for lack of a better word, stupid. Fictional characters, fictional stories. None of the actors actually DIED making those movies. By your faulty logic, we should condemn any sort of fictional depiction as real...such as playing the role of a terrorist in a film or TV show. Are they really that person? Should they be loathed because they took on that role?

You really need to step back from the internet and take a good, long look at the difference between fiction and reality.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-04 12:29:22 » #1751504

Here's a funny thought. If violent movies are supposed to awaken violent tendencies in the viewers watching it...

How come the actors aren't multitudes more violent than the viewers?

2 Points Flag