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Anonymous commented at 2012-08-06 20:23:57 » #1133262

Red and Masamunu were obvious choices for this picture, and Minato earned his place here. To be unbiased towards the opposite gender, it would have made sense to put a female badass, but i honestly think that spot should have gone to Samus Aran.
But what i find the most unforgivable is when they had the gall to put Luke Fon Fabre in this picture over Kratos Aurion.
What the ACTUAL hell man?
Kratos has so many more levels of badass than Luke that it isn't even funny.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-13 12:59:13 » #1138220

They should've replace Seta with Naoya Toudou from the first persona game. You know what, he should actually replace all 3 of these persona protagonists. he predates them.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-14 12:08:58 » #1161012

Well, someone is fucked.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-05 16:36:48 » #1393667

The badasses of the day, greatest to least:Yu Narukami, RED, Masamune Date, Luke Fon Fabre, Female Protagonist from Persona 3, Male Protagonist from Persona 3.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-24 02:51:47 » #1422433

This is quite late to reply to this post, but to be fair..
-Luke's age isn't actually 17(19) since he is a replica and is actually much younger(mentally), which makes his immature and naive behavior rather understandable.
-His uselessness is because they gave him a rather minimum of knowledge and capabilities, so his uselessness is not actually entirely his fault, and lacked plenty of what the original had. So when compared to each-other, he looks pathetic.
-Rather than drowning in self-pity, he actually faced his mistakes and tried to make things better.
-Accomplished a lot despite being inexperienced, and probably had the most character growth out of all of the main characters.
-He became stronger(storywise) than the original. He was even weakened(storywise) when he fought the original.
-He gained Second Order Hyperressonance(though at the cost of the original's life).
-Storywise, no one but Luke could destroy the last boss.

All the other characters are pretty much badasses from the start, while you get to see Luke fall and slowly rise into one.

6 Points Flag