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Anonymous commented at 2009-09-30 18:36:54 » #121634

The ironic thing is that at real fish farms they grind up unused fish and fish guts to process into pellets and feed back to the next batch of fish growing. And you thought that idea was original in The Matrix.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-11-18 12:18:40 » #156152

I once saw an EEL SEX porn and guess what, eels on that porn died as they were driven out from calm water poured to some batshit crazy girl's vagina and anus. Since then I strongly oppose animal cruelty, and support the artist's expression of mermaids getting pwned grotesquely...

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-11-30 17:18:41 » #165202

This is really depressing, especially the one mermaid who had her tai ripped off crying into the chest of another mermaid.


16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-13 06:49:20 » #175766

These are the ones that slipped out of the net with a price paid. I like how the ones dead/dying faster than the others (i.e. the girl in the bottom left, and the girl hugging the otehr one) are paler in color :3

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-28 05:21:28 » #187184

she just laid her eggs in the ice!!!!
(bottom right mermaid)
those babies will never live!!!!
I love memaids but this is god awful!!!!
(goes and cries in a corner)

5 Points Flag
KatrinaTheLamia commented at 2010-02-21 00:00:58 » #230366

@Anonymous >> #156152

Yeah, those pornos disturbed me after I watched Discovery Channel, and learned that there are a few eels that eat flesh. Usually entering an orifice then going through a soft walled surface of the prey they have decided to consume. Usually with several entering what they want to eat, then eating the prey from the inside out. The fishermen who handle them require special gloves because they emit a fluid when excited or scared that will eat through flesh--such as human flesh. Causing injuries that do not heal well.

Usually they target fish when they eat stuff mind you. However after watching that show--I cannot help but to think of that when I see eel insertion porn.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-01 02:27:12 » #264447

Basically what happens to dolphins and sharks, though.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-21 13:08:51 » #281447

Add: one bunch of fishermen to my personal "Execute under extremely Painful and drawn out conditions" list.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-30 14:29:30 » #419478

This looks like a PETA advert. I'd keep them as pets rather then slaughter them.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-16 19:07:42 » #439214

I love Mermaids but this makes me really sad to see this. :(

8 Points Flag