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Anonymous commented at 2011-09-25 22:03:13 » #886146

Such a pretty angel! I wish I could marry her!

10 Points Flag
JoeyKun commented at 2011-11-14 20:20:10 » #926879

Just because you're in love with futa doesn't mean she is. I finish the game (D Ending) 2 minute ago, lol. Anon 10 say that there's no proof that Kainé is female.. well, there's not even a proof for futa.
Aw, btw, i just love her, dick or not. So i'll just follow Anon 11 and marry her/him herhim. <3

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-19 05:10:34 » #954988

She is a girl who was raised by her grandma till their home was attacked by a shade who killed her grandmother, and left her for dead. Before she died a different shade posesed her and healed her because he wanted her body, and she wanted the power to revenge her grandmother. She fights the shade for controle. There, now we know the trouth, and i played this yesterday and read all this in game.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-28 00:42:39 » #961716

Proof in the Western version is as stated before.
She was ridiculed for being male BEFORE SHE WAS POSSESED BY TYRANN.
The kids didn't like her because she was a girl with a dick.

Point. Proven. Get. Fucked.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-18 19:22:55 » #980576

Hey guys...How about we fuck the facts, and just follow our dicks?
I prefer thinking of Kaine as a female without the male parts. If futa floats your boat, then go with that version...

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-02-01 10:32:58 » #992044

Word of God states she's a hermaphrodite.

11 Points Flag
IchigoRadiance commented at 2013-02-04 22:48:07 » #1259589

She has a penis, yet she's still female. It isn't a matter that she was actually a boy. She's a hermaphrodite, a futa. She has both. When she was younger, kids used to make fun of her. They teased her and kept asking her why she dressed like a girl because they didn't consider her one. Her whole village even joined in, they encouraged their kids to mock her, they encouraged their kids to throw stones at her. Because they saw her as a freak, not as a normal man, or a normal woman. This happens before grandma steps in, before grandma takes her away to the outskirts, before grandma was killed by hook, before being possessed by the shade called Tyrann. Maybe if the developer hadn't specifically stated she was a hermaphrodite, and she never developed big breasts, one could make the argument that she was a crossdressing trap, which would probably also garner negative attention, knowing the village she lived in. But she did grow big breasts, they're real. And the developer did say specifically she was a hermaphrodite. This isn't just a fringe theory, this is canon. It would be like trying to refute Zelda's split timeline now.

I'm not usually into futa myself, but Kaine is different. She's sexy, and being a hermaphrodite for some reason makes her even sexier. Maybe it's because unlike most futa, her male "member" isn't reaching her head. It has a presence, you can't deny it. But it isn't distracting. And her character is the main reason I fell in love with Laura Bailey's voice acting. Kaine is badass, Kaine is sexy as hell. Penis or no penis, it doesn't matter, she's all woman to me.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-02 21:08:21 » #1979596

Uh, yeah. She has a dick, guys. Just look at the official art and even her in-game model. What do you think that bulge is? The world's largest clitoris?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-02 21:20:50 » #1979603

I always thought Kaine was female as a human and intersex as a replicant. It doesn't matter to me though because Kaine is, and will always be, to me, sexy as fuck.

1 Points Flag