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ShadowbladeEdge commented at 2011-07-03 18:10:30 » #795936

Artist's commentary:
Title: 打ち倒された異形の話


戦闘中イメージは www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm4739389 な感じか

Title: The Story of the Defeated Monster
Waking from a 300 year sleep and hoping to finally eat humans again, this creature was loitering around in the mountains when it met 6 black suits.
Though they looked pretty differing from the humans it had seen before, figuring he could still eat them the creature attacked. But his luck had run out.
Wary that they might be captured, the humans attacked with weapons he had never seen.
Before he could even grasp what was happening he was bombarded with bullets, bombs and missiles and put to sleep for good.
All is well and all is good.


Combat scene: video.niconico.com/watch/www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm4739389 ...maybe.

6 Points Flag
knuonnew0009 commented at 2011-09-14 02:09:01 » #876874

Well, killing it was the right thing to do... Or was it? Should the monster be hated... Or pitied?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 00:55:00 » #1227362

It wanted to eat the humans. I'm pretty sure killing it was the right choice. Even if it couldn't grasp how it died, it still had intentions to attack and devour innocent human beings. So it is to be hated.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-27 23:41:49 » #1291489

It should be neither pitied nor hated. From the humans prospective, it was a threat that would kill them if not eliminated. From the monsters prospective, it needed to eat humans in order to survive.

It's neither good nor bad just two species doing what they need to to survive.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-02 05:08:39 » #1391317

In my opinion, no one and nothing deserves to die, but for things to continue running, things HAVE to die.

0 Points Flag