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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-06 18:35:56 » #800127

Hakumen ain't got nothing on Youmu.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-06 18:47:41 » #800142

so y is she letting him win?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-06 22:10:58 » #800391

Or maybe is the proof of how awesome Hakumen is?

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-06 23:18:41 » #800466

On the contrary, I think Youmu has nothing on Hakumen.

And I like Youmu more.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-07 01:05:46 » #800570

Hakumen ain't got nothing on Youmu.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-07 05:18:41 » #800860

This picture says otherwise...but shit...it's just a pic.


Lets go with that.

.....Has half of the people who comment on pictures,not saying the ones hidden didn't,but has any other person who has commented on a touhou picture actually played a touhou game anyway?

Pic is win though.
I can't stand hakumen game wise though.
Damn you and your hax slashes.....

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-08 11:20:58 » #802687

Youmu would win, She's faster. Her Slashes move at 25% the speed of light...Which if she was running at that speed, she'd Circle the earth in an hour and a half. Though the artwork is really good ^^; touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Youmu_Konpaku#Fun_Facts

4 Points Flag
Linkman70000000 commented at 2011-07-10 14:39:43 » #805611

If we wanted to be technical about this, I could say Hakumen has an infinite supply of Energy at his disposal, has a character design that is simply badass, follows a badass creed, can kill almost anybody in the game's cast despite being limited to a fraction of his true strength, and... did I mention he can parry and counter any attack : www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N-PhEMtWog

No matter what speed, what angle, what strength is put behind it. If he can read what you're about to do, it's over. And he's quite good at reading his opponents, if the story is any indicator. And the most important detail: His sword is longer than both of hers, combined. This makes him manlier and thus puts the fight in his favor automatically.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-12 19:04:50 » #808789

Lulz....here comes a tl;dr.
We're not TRYING to be technical, you hakuman lover, and forgive me if your not but....

Who the fuck cares who's stronger, they are both awesome.

THIS shit is the stuff that causes the downfall of an anime or game. It gets so ridiculous that no one likes it and no one wants to put up with it anymore.

I even PLAY with hakumen and I find this ridiculous. I did not even once think that: "Ah YOUMU just got owned! Well it was to be expected, she can't ever beat hakumen." They are god damn 2-D characters for fucks sake.

They are both awesome, end of story.

Nobody is trying to get technical.
All were doing is commenting on how epic this is.
I agree with anon 800860 completely.
We know about hakumen.
But who did he get his ass beat by?
Not technically but where ragana was scared as shit, she didn't even flinch and he had to be FORCED away by jubei for ragna's part.
If you want to get REAL technical...Rachel is stronger than hakumen.
In fact didn't Terumi say that RACHEL was the the only one who could keep up with him?
Didn't say SHIT about hakumen. Not trying to bash your idolization of him but leave the pic alone. Two awesome characters, two awesome games. And to add, it took 6 powerful people, hakumen being on of the six, to defeat the black beast, when bloodedge held it off on his OWN. He sacrificed himself though...which was lame. Where does that put hakumen? Look I love hakumen too, and yes he is totally badass, but you're hurting the character's image by saying useless things. Both sides are hurting each character's epicness. This is what makes people hate characters. THE FANS. Don't let your love for a character run out of control.
Also You can't even USE manly in this pic because it's a GIRL who he beat.
Know what, this is useless. I'm going to stop before this gets bigger than it should be, and it's not like any of you will listen.
This crossover shouldn't have even HAPPENED , yet it did so let us bask in it's glory.
All in favor of looking over who the fuck won or lost say I.
This picture is epic. No idolization for Youmu or Hakumen will change that.
They both would kick our asses any day and will forever continue to pwn with their awesomeness.

5 Points Flag
Linkman70000000 commented at 2011-07-14 03:47:20 » #810702

Lulz, I now idolize Hakumen because I leaned in his favor. Listen, I prefer Hakumen to Youmu, admittedly. So what? Bringing up a whole bunch of characters and segments that are completely unrelated to this picture doesn't change crap.

He fought a girl, therefor it is not manly? Wouldn't that be implying that manly men wouldn't be down to fighting badass bitches (Women)? Is it taboo to do battle against powerful women in fiction these days? Whatever...

Listen, I'm a fan of things. Fans have opinions, and they differ. I'm not gonna idolize/bask in things, I enjoy and form my thoughts on them and share them with others, and if they don't like it, then whatever. If everyone kept quiet or just said, "AWESOME!" for every pic, it'd be pretty damn boring.

3 Points Flag