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Anonymous commented at 2012-10-17 19:53:24 » #1183483

What you don't see is the cloaked banshee hovering above the entire thing laughing her ass off at this argument.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-27 10:00:24 » #1232665

In a few moments, they're going to notice the off-screen Zerg army, team up and gather reinforcements.

For Terra, and for the Imperium.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-17 00:53:20 » #1247430

Then a tyrannid hive approaches, eats the zerg and a tyrannid prince rape morrigan because it wasn't grimdark enough to just kill her.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-04-08 13:57:32 » #1298916

the Space Marine wins, why? read about them and you why

0 Points Flag
Zen commented at 2013-07-05 19:31:03 » #1354316

Ultrasmurf loses. Why? Orbital bombardment, that's why.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-29 08:40:14 » #1444855


For punching fuckers in the face with sharp metal teeth.

0 Points Flag
iminsane commented at 2014-01-12 02:29:39 » #1469565

The answer of why the SM is so badass is about the situation in wich he lives comparated to the Terran Marine. Terrans are exilated people sent to the desolated space with limited resources. Terran marines are convicts not killing machines upgrated with science and genetic manipulation. Terrans are only space colonists and survivors not goddamn rulers of galaxies.

I confess I'm not a erudit about Warhammer and I know I may be wrong, but that's what I remember or at least I belive to remember

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-22 06:21:34 » #1556026

It's as most of us says: Terran Marines are mooks/cannon fodder while Space Marines are the Elite of the Imperium and made to serve the God Emperor for Eternity.
And this one seems to be a Captain.
So Yeah, the Space Marine win

0 Points Flag
iminsane commented at 2015-03-02 05:57:17 » #1697360

If we put this battle in a more realistic scenario, they both have the same chances to kill each other. No matter how highly armored are SM (I knew I'll gain your hate por this) these guys always die from the first shot in the videos and the missing shot doesn't look too powerful to make blow the ground. Also, in propportion, SC marines are more badass, because they fight against "more" with "less". Just like Superman and Batman fights, Superman fights overpowered enemies because he's overpowered, but Batman doesn't have any power and he battles against super deadly psychos. Just remember: the Joker started Injustice

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-17 23:37:27 » #1797349

Four years. That's how long you people have been arguing for when the only point is to look at this and say "Hey, it looks awesome!"

It never mattered who would win.

1 Points Flag